Saturday, 4 January 2014

The Hells Angels Website, Breaking the Law

I sent this to the Federal Department of Justice, and am going to forward it to a few politicians.

The Violation of Criminal Code 467.11 by the Hells Angels Toronto Website and Support Store

The Hells Angels Downtown Toronto Website violation

The Hells Angels Toronto website violates criminal code 467.11, participating in criminal organization, by enhancing the ability of a criminal organization (the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club [HAMC]), to facilitate or commit an indictable offence.

The website does this by means of networking known criminal organizations, like "the big house crew" prison gang, "the Nomads" criminal support club and the criminal organization "the Hells Angels MC". The website displays pictures of, and the location and contact information of, the gang members. As well, showing evidence of this networking in pictures of members together on the "Gallery" page, many who wear the "1%er" patch in-signifying that they are part of a criminal enterprise and engage in criminal activity.

The "1%er" patch is a symbol for criminal behavior and activity, recognized by the police and authorities, to where those wearing it into the country are deported.

The Toronto site also links to the US website that networks all chapters of the deemed criminal organization. And on which website it states how to join the criminal organization, and that the money earned from the Hells Angels support stores fund the criminal organization, the "local charter" and their "bike rides".

The Toronto Hells Angels Support Store Violation

The Hells Angels Support Store in Toronto is criminally indictable of offence 467.11 in the Canadian criminal code, participating in criminal organization, as according to the Hells Angels website the earnings of the support stores fund the criminal organization, the "local charter" and "bike runs".

As well the support store participates in criminal networking and promoting "support" of the Hells Angels criminal organization and the Nomads, a support club of the deemed criminal organization. The clothing's designs and logos as well promote and support the gang, and in so their criminal activity.

The Hells Angels "Bike Runs" Violation

The Hells Angels "bike runs", where they ride their motorcycles in large numbers for set distances, are also mentioned on the Hells Angels Toronto website, as a means of networking a criminal organization and their known gang members. Mentioned in the invitations to events, on the 'events' page, is to "contact a (gang) member" to attend the events, which are for "(gang) members, support clubs, and supporters" of the criminal organization. Implicating the website and the "bike runs" and meets themselves.

The Hells Angels "Skull" Logo Copyright Violation

The Hells Angels "Skull" logo, is owned by the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation, registered in the United States and Canada. The copyrights to the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation's Skull logo and name the "Hells Angels", violates Canadian criminal code 467.11, participating in Criminal Organization. It does this by giving intellectual wealth and financial benefit (through things like royalties) to a deemed criminal organization, The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, in so funding and enhancing the abilities of a Criminal Organization.

Criminal Code 467.11

·         467.11 Every person who, for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a criminal organization to facilitate or commit an indictable offence under this or any other Act of Parliament, knowingly, by act or omission, participates in or contributes to any activity of the criminal organization is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

Indictable Websites:

Evidence: print screens of the websites and gang member's photos, many wearing the 1%er patch, which is ironic as if you are part of a gang, you participate in their drug dealing, arms trafficking and sex slavery or some crime in some way, that's why 100% of the members in Quebec are on trial. I wonder if the Crips have a 1%er lie after buying PR, like the HA did.

 Hells Angels Downtown Toronto website, Criminal networking of the "Big House Crew" (name, picture, location), you can even "fund them":

Events page networking:

 Gang members being networked through "bike runs", Downtown 'Gallery' page:

How to join a deemed criminal organization (the Hells Angels MC):

Support gear funds deemed criminal organization, the Hells Angels, through "local charter" and for "bike runs":

Support store funding and promoting deemed criminal organization, the Hells Angels MC, and the Nomads support club:

Toronto  HA websites and Canadian regions used to network on USA HA website:

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